Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Unelectable on Principle

Some candidates have a bad habit of creating careers and making statements that make people love to hate them. These are the candidates that are "unelectable on principle". The funny thing is though, that if you listen to them outside of their "gaffes", you find these candidates to have real integrity. So, this week, I am giving you:

Joe Biden - The guy has some severe integrity and is open to say he is willing to learn from his mistakes. However, getting an Asian to vote for him would take something far more severe than an act of Congress.
Alan Keyes - The Republicans don't even want him in their debates, and he is currently the only minority candidate running on the Republican ticket. But for us in this blog, he is the essence of a second tier candidate - grass roots, horribly qualified, and with or without us, has about a snowball's chance in heck of getting elected.

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