Sunday, October 21, 2007

Keeping Tabs on the Debate

2016hrs EDT:
Ron Paul took his liberterian stand and emphasized the need for the USA not to have an amendment to ban gay marriage. This is because he views this both as a states rights issue, and an issue or personal and religious freedoms.

Mike Huckabee maintains a good sense of humour - He mentioned that he was glad that he did not participate in the first 20 mins of the debate so that the front runners could get each other bloody and he could run for President. But in regards to abortion, he did a horribly smart thing: He quoted the constitution and the mention that all people have a right to life and liberty.

Tom Tancredo is claiming to be the Real Conservative. Softball question.

Duncan Hunter has garnered MASSIVE applause for his stance on being a conservative. Sadly, he effectively said nothing other than tearing down JFK for Cuba, and praising Ronald Reagan for assisting El Salvador. He uses conservatism to justify militarism.

Ron Paul is stating that the only way to change healthcare is to take the corporations out of the equasion all while taking the USA out of Iraq and every other country. He wants it market based. He wants to pay for it with saving money from what in his opinion is our failed foreign policy.

Duncan Hunter pointed out that the mandates the Romney has in his healthcare plan is still a mandate for socialized healthcare with heavy regulations

Mike Huckabee believes that healthcare should be in the hands of the individual consumers. He also believes that we have a health problem and not a healthcare problem. "When all the old hippies find out they get free drugs, wait to see how well that gets out there..." - in regards to social security.

Tom Tancredo points out that healthcare should be privatized through health savings accounts. Sounds like every other Republican outside of Romney.

Time for potshots against Hillary.

Guiliani agreed with Hillary on 2 points: 1 They are both Yankee fans, 2. "I have a million ideas, America can't afford them all..." - Hillary

"I would much rather lose a campaign than lose a war" - McCain. On another note, he is the closest to potentially winning versus Hillary of any of the top 4 according to Fox News.

Mike Huckabee fears Clinton giving away our sovereignty if she gets elected. I wonder if anyone pointed out that his weakness is the fact that he too, is a former governor from Arkansas.

Ron Paul attempts to differentiate himself from Hillary by taking the true libertarian stand and isolationist stand.

Mike Huckabee wants privatized healthcare, but insists on using the euphamism of "Personalization". He says that privatization gets a bad rap due to people thinking private = Enron

Ron Paul also wants privatization, but wants to give younger Americans a way out of Medicare, Social Security, Public Schools, and mandatory health care insurance.

Duncan Hunter wants to solve Social Security with Trade Policy that has a reciprocating effect of equal trade tariffs on both ends - theirs on our goods and ours on their goods

Tom Tancredo jabs against Guiliani by pointing out that Guiliani wants Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants - Guiliani did not deny it.

Duncan Hunter looks towards diplomacy in getting Vladamir Putin in line with our missile defense plans. He wants to exploit Putin's opening of sea based missile defense with a few Aegis cruisers in the Black Sea.

Tom Tancredo takes a potshot against Nancy Pelosi for putting us in a bad situation with Turkey and the Kurds

Mike Huckabee says that we should let the Kurds clean their own house of the PKK versus US intervention so as to let Turkey not be an enemy

Ron Paul speaks his mind on the only issue he seems passionate about - getting us out of the rest of the world.

Ron Paul wants us yet again to not be interventionist and go back to the Republican roots and get out. He claims that W won for that same reason although he claims that the Republicans have abandoned their principles.

Fred Thompson effectively called himself too Lazy to Fail.

Still, would the current field please leave Reagan dead and concentrate on the future rather tahn the past? So readers, which second tier candidate do you think won?

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