Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Price of Choices

Readers, I am sorry for not posting lately, but it is because the debates have been pithy, the sniping has been absurd, and I have had to make choices about which candidates to back.

So, let me start with some bad news: Tom Tancredo has bowed out of the race. Thanks, Sir, for bringing immigration to the front of everyone's consciousness. It is projected that Chris Dodd will likely be joining him soon. I would also like to wish my condolences to the Kucinich family on their loss.

Good News: Mike Huckabee has officially graduated to the first tier and Ron Paul is not far behind.

Endorsements: It is the opinion of this author that there are only two candidates from each party worth voting for. As a result, though I do not agree with all of their stances, I find their integrity so redeeming that these are the candidates that I will either vote for or encourage my friends, family, and readers to vote for. Duncan Hunter, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson, and Ron Paul have earned my respect and the endorsement of this blog.

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